We are a volunteer organization comprised of parents, teachers, and administrators dedicated to creating the best learning and growing atmosphere for the students, teachers, and community of Richards Elementary School.
PTO Impact
PTO funding creates an alternate source of financial support for our school. By contributing to the PTO, you are creating a channel of private funding to meet our teachers’ and students’ needs. All of the money the PTO raises goes directly back to Richards, and as part of the PTO, parents get to work with teachers and school administration to say where and how those funds are spent.The impact of the PTO reaches beyond monetary support. Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive effects parental involvement has for young children, including academic and language skills, and social competence. [1] Research aside, seeing you at school or knowing you’re involved with what’s going on at school demonstrates to your children that you care about what’s going on in their lives outside of your home, that they matter, that school matters and is important and worthy of your time and energy. The PTO provides a framework for parental involvement. Our Room Parent program is an easy way for parents to engage with teachers, students, and other parents. PTO committees offer multiple ways for parents to be involved, both in person and behind the scenes. Unfortunately, some parents don’t join the PTO out of fear that they will be asked to volunteer their time or fundraise. Joining the Richards PTO does not obligate you to do any of that. Being a PTO member means you recognize the importance and the impact your financial contributions make to our school. Thank you for your support.

PTO Committees make everything possible. Every PTO event is organized, staffed, and run by amazing volunteers. Click HERE to volunteer.